The influence of Snapchat ads on students buying behaviors in Saudi Arabia


  • Hessah Alqahtani The University of Southern Mississippi
  • Fei Xue The University of Southern Mississippi


Snapchat, buying behavior, students, attitude, Saudi Arabia


This research is about the influence of Snapchat ads on the students’ buying behavior in Saudi Arabia. With the rampant use of social media like Snapchat, there is need to explore how the social media platforms affect people’s buying behavior. This study was conducted based on the Uses and Gratification theory (UGT). Ninety-three students from 3 different colleges in Saudi Arabia participated in the study, and answered questions related to their perception and attitude and as well as the impact of Snapchat ads on their buying decisions. The study found a strong link between Snapchat ads, attitudes and buying intentions. In addition, the students were found to be motivated by the presence of Snapchat ads in their buying decisions.


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Author Biographies

Hessah Alqahtani, The University of Southern Mississippi

Doctoral Candidate, School of Media and Communication 

The University of Southern Mississippi 

118 College Drive, 5121 

Hattiesburg, MS 39406  

Fei Xue, The University of Southern Mississippi

Professor, School of Media and Communication 

The University of Southern Mississippi 

118 College Drive, 5121 

Hattiesburg, MS 39406  





How to Cite

Alqahtani, H., & Xue, F. (2022). The influence of Snapchat ads on students buying behaviors in Saudi Arabia. Eximia, 5(1), 51–61. Retrieved from